Alcohol-free gin and non-alcoholic mocktails are certainly on the rise across the globe. This movement of zero-alcohol drink alternatives started in the mid-2010s.

But lately, it has picked up speed. It is therefore the right time for us at Madyasara to find the top non-alcoholic gin alternatives for you that can adorn your home bar.

This type of alcohol-free spirit cannot legally be called gin or London Dry Gin as a matter of fact. This is why many producers of such drinks come up with many kinds of alternative names like ‘Dry London Spirit,’ ‘Strykk Not Gin,’  ‘Wonderleaf,’ and more.

However, the ultimate goal of these brands is to create an alcohol-free gin flavored with juniper berries and other standard gin botanicals. They aim to imitate the flavor and aroma of conventional gin.

Moreover, non-alcoholic gins come in all types of colors, shades, and shapes. Right from representative imitations of London Dry Gins, you can find anything with noticeable juniper berry notes to pink-colored and flavored drinks.

Best Madyasara Non-Alcoholic Gin Picks

From vintage flavor profiles to present-day options, we enquired with several bartenders and spirit experts for their say on the subject.

We then went ahead and tried a selection of the most recommended bottles to arrive at a conclusion. Here are some of the best alcohol-free gin picks we found that you can try.

What Goes into the Making of Non-Alcoholic Gin?

The beverage industry turned its intent to non-alcoholic spirit offerings in the late 2010s. A majority of the early products at the start seemed to resemble gin. The predominant alcohol-free flavor of gin seemed to be the driving factor.

Gin is not derived from alcohol alone but the infusion of various potent botanicals makes the difference. These botanicals normally include the likes of angelica roots, cardamom, citrus elements, coriander seeds, juniper berries, and more. 

There are many ways non-alcoholic gin can be made. One technique simply involves taking conventional gin and merely removing the alcoholic content. This is typically performed by rectification.

The process involves breaking down a distilled spirit into its parts and subsequently bringing them back together minus the alcohol.

However, a small percentage of alcohol may still be retained in the final product.Nonetheless, the drink can still be labeled as non-alcoholic as long as this amount is below 0.5 percent ABV.

Another approach towards obtaining non-alcoholic gin is to distill the spirit as usual. But make it a point to dramatically increase the concentration of flavors that come from the herbs, spices, and other associated botanicals. Subsequently, you can dilute the spirit with water until it loses the percentage of alcoholic content.

However, infusing a water base with botanicals to create a 100 percent non-alcoholic substitute for gin is the best option.

How to Consume Non-Alcoholic Gin?

The best way to consume non-alcoholic gin is to use it as an ingredient in mixed drinks. These alcohol-free gin substitutes are ideally designed to work best in combination with other flavors that go inside mocktails.

Traditional gin is an all-pervasive spirit in the world of mixology. Right from Gin & Tonic to Martini, and Negroni, it stars in several cocktail recipes. Nevertheless, you can create mocktail versions of all these cocktails by using a suitable gin alternative.

Top 7 Non-Alcoholic Gin Alternatives

Non-Alcoholic Gin
Non-Alcoholic Gin

Recommended by experts associated with Madyasara:

  • Ceder’s Classic:

Priced at $26 and produced by Ceder’s, this non-alcoholic gin alternative is made in Sweden. The Ceder’s Classic displays a smooth and subtle floral flavor profile while tasting fresh and floral with hints of lavender and rooibos.

Coming in a 750 ml bottle size, this alcohol-free gin substitute can be too subtle to taste for some people and easily gets overpowered by other ingredients in a mocktail.

Nevertheless, this non-alcoholic gin alternative is a unique take because the brand never promotes it as an alcohol-free gin substitute. Media, stores, and bartenders commonly promote this drink as an excellent traditional gin alternative. It is definitely worth trying.

The favorite aspect of Ceder’s Classic is that it boasts of a truly unique flavor profile. The botanicals and modern flavors like lavender and rooibos in this non-alcoholic gin alternative equally contribute towards that.

You can taste this gin alternative in a light, nice, and subtle drink. But mind you, the light taste of this alternative also makes it prone to being overpowered by other ingredients. This is however an issue raised by many gin alternatives on the market today.

  • Lyre’s Dry London Spirit:

Priced at $30 and produced by Lyre’s, this non-alcoholic gin alternative comes from Australia. The good thing about it is that it portrays a nice citrus kick and overall pleasant flavor profile. However, this alcohol-free gin lacks notes of juniper but tastes citrusy and floral at the same time.

Coming in a bottle size of 700 ml, this alcohol-free gin alternative from Lyre’s appears among some of the best non-alcoholic gin options. On the first taste, you will understand why it is one of the best zero-alcohol alternatives.

The lack of juniper in the flavor profile is the main reason why Lyre’s Dry London Spirit is not on the top spot in the list. Nevertheless, it is an excellent alternative that brings a gin-like flavor to the drink, especially in combination with tonic water

Although vegan, this alcohol-free gin contains sugar as glucose syrup is used as a sweetener. Nonetheless, this brand uses an interesting ingredient like cinchona bark. It adds a bitter note to the drink.

Normally, this bark is usually used in tonic water to add a distinct bitter quinine flavor. This exactly may be the reason why this gin alternative pairs so well with tonic water.

  • Monday Zero Alcohol Gin:

Priced at $40, this non-alcoholic gin alternative from the United States is produced by Drink Monday. The Monday Zero Alcohol Gin portrays a nice gin-like aroma with Christmas spices, coriander, and juniper.

However, it is too watery and too heavy on citric lime flavor. Coming in 750 ml size, this alcohol-free gin alternative tastes of coriander, lime, and piney juniper alongside hints of cucumber.

Coming from a simple idea, Monday Zero Alcohol Gin is a tasty drink you can enjoy without the hassle next day. However, this gin alternative has a secret recipe. The label lists its ingredients as monk fruit extract, natural spring water, and much more. It seems that the producers likely distilled the spirit to capture flavors.

Monday Gin appears cloudy. This may be due to the special stuff they add. This alcohol-free beverage smells of cucumber and juniper with spices in the background. The drink is however bitter taste-wise, along with bold notes of acidic lime.

Nevertheless, the taste improves with ice or tonic water. The citrus notes come out excellently along with notes of juniper.

  • Salcombe Distilling New London Light:

Priced at $35, this non-alcoholic gin alternative from the United Kingdom is produced by Salcombe Distilling Company. Featuring an intriguing flavor profile of ginger and lime, this alcohol-free gin alternative is not as sweet as other products in the market.

However, the flavor profile of New London Light is a bit too light and watery. Nevertheless, it relishes the taste of ginger, limey citrus, and juniper. Coming in 750 ml size, this alcohol-free gin is likely to clear all doubts.

You need not be so sceptical about non-alcoholic spirits anymore. Salcombe New London Light is good enough to convert haters into lovers.

It is a creative take on non-alcoholic gin that has received rave reviews from top media outlets including ‘The Times’. These online reviews show a different picture altogether.

The flavors of New London Light more or less give you a taste of classic gin. You can find citric lime flavors and juniper alongside a slight kick of ginger. Overall, the taste is a bit too thin but worth trying even though it may not be so strong to stand out when paired with flavorful ingredients.

A low-ABV Martini with a little Dry Vermouth can refresh your taste buds. Nevertheless, always remember to use a light or sugar-free option when you are pairing it with tonic water. It helps the alcohol-free gin base to stand its ground. You can round off the drink with a drop of orange bitters or garnish with an orange slice.

  • Seedlip Grove 42:

Priced at $32, this non-alcoholic gin alternative from the United Kingdom is produced by. Seedlip. This company is owned by Diageo. This alcohol-free gin alternative with nice and complex aromas pairs very well with other non-alcoholic liquor alternatives.

However, this drink is extremely delicate with subtle flavors and not enough juniper notes. With a hint of tasting notes of cucumber, blood orange, and orange Seedlip Grove 42 is available in a 700 ml size pack.

Seedlip is another big brand in the world of alcohol-free spirit alternatives. This company produces some of the top alcohol-free spirit substitutes. The Grove 42 is their must-try option when it comes to alternatives for gin. This alternative is closely followed by Seedlip Spice 94.

Grove 42 non-alcoholic gin alternative has a refreshing aroma of citrus fruits including lemon peel, blood orange, and orange. Nonetheless, this alcohol-free product lacks juniper notes. Moreover, this drink overall is too delicate.

You hardly get to taste it when paired with fresh and flavorful juices. Still, it shines when combined with other non-alcoholic drinks. However, Grove 42 is a favorite for people looking forward to enjoying zero-proof Negroni.

  • Siegfried Wonderleaf:

Priced at $30, this is the best overall non-alcoholic gin alternative. Wonderleaf comes from Germany and is produced by Rheinland Distillers UG. This alcohol-free gin alternative with rich gin-like flavors is a great choice for mixed drinks and mocktails.

However, it is a bit hard to get gin-alternative and a little pricey for the 500 ml size bottle it is packed in. Nonetheless, with fresh herbal and distinct tasting notes of juniper, it is worth the money you spend.

This alcohol-free gin alternative, like many others, is not proposed for neat consumption. However, stay convinced that the Siegfried Wonderleaf non-alcoholic alternative goes extremely well with Gin & Tonic and a Virgin Negroni mocktail.

Siegfried Wonderleaf

In combination with other ingredients, Wonderleaf in combination with other ingredients scores very well with its fresh herbal taste. You will relish the distinct juniper notes along with a wonderful balance of flavors. Wonderleaf, flavored with about 18 different botanicals is a favorite choice for many people settling for mocktails.

Nevertheless, most of these botanicals are a secret, but cinnamon, coriander, and are sure parts of this drink. Moreover, Wonderleaf is sugar-free, vegan, and only made of natural elements.

  • Windspiel Alkoholfrei: 

Priced at $28, this non-alcoholic gin alternative is produced by. Windspiel Manufaktur GmbH. With a floral-citrusy flavor alongside an outstanding juniper aroma, this alcohol-free gin second also comes from Germany.

However, many people say that the flavor profile of this drink is a bit too lemony. Nevertheless, with cinnamon, cloves, and dominant notes of citrus and hints of juniper, Windspiel Alkoholfrei is packed in a 500 ml bottle. This brand is a renowned gin producer in Germany.

The signature Dry Gin they produce is distilled and made from the potatoes they cultivate themselves. This adds a unique touch to the spirit. Windspiel of late has also released a non-alcoholic version of gin. This representation is outstanding as well.

When poured into a glass, Windspiel Alkoholfrei displays a strong juniper aroma alongside spicy notes from cinnamon and cloves. The tasting notes of juniper are only noticeable in the background. Instead, it is the citrus flavors of the drink that dominate.

However, it can be challenging to pick a suitable tonic water to go with this alcohol-free drink. Nevertheless, you can try quite a few but make it a point to prefer light and sugar-free ones as Alkoholfrei In cocktails mainly brings citrusy notes to the fore in the mix. This is what makes it hard to use in non-alcoholic takes on vintage gin drinks.


Are botanicals used to flavor non-alcoholic gins as well?

Yes they are extensively used. Quite like their alcoholic counterparts, non-alcoholic gin brands also use several herbs, nuts, and spices to infuse the base solvent with natural flavors.

Which is the best non-alcoholic gin brand for a Gin and Tonic?

Experts at Madyasara found that Siegfried Wonderleaf is the best option befitting an alcohol-free Gin and Tonic mocktail. Lyre’s Dry London Spirit is yet another great alternative to try.

What non-alcoholic substitutes are available for gin?

The preferred non-alcoholic alternate choices for Madyasara are Lyre’s Dry London Spirit, Salcombe’s New London Light, and Siegfried Wonderleaf.

What does non-alcoholic gin taste like?

The taste of alcohol-free gin alternatives is that they are relatively light and thin. Moreover, alcohol itself is a great flavor enhancer. It helps in articulating the aromas and savors of drinks.

How to consume non-alcoholic gin?

Non-alcoholic gin alternatives are best served with tonic water. They go very well in mocktails including a Gin and Tonic. However, it is not recommended that you try them neat.

Are there any other alcohol-free beverages like gin?

Yes, there are many types of non-alcoholic alternatives for Mezcal, Rum, Tequila, and Whiskey. The development of non-alcoholic beer and alcohol-free wine also shows that the present situation is not going to end. There will be even more alcohol-free drinks coming on the market in the days to come.

Non-Alcoholic Gin
Non-Alcoholic Gin