Top Cocktail Delivery Kits for Your Home Bar


Do you like boozing up at home? These top cocktail delivery kits can come in handy.

Now that it is so easy and comfy these days to drink a quality craft cocktail at home, there are several cocktail delivery kits you can order online. They will directly be delivered to you at home. Some of the top picks here also come with bottles of booze and other ingredients which you will need for preparing a few drinks.

There are some essential tools you’ll still need to have on hand. Some of these you can order without the spirits in case you have a huge home stash or prefer that you buy them separately. Cheers, we say, enjoy the recipes of your choice.

  • Sourced Craft Cocktails – The manufacturers started as a craft cocktail experience company for large scale events five years ago. It quickly pivoted to employing laid off bar industry folks due to the virus pandemic. Eventually, they started creating made-to-order non-alcoholic batched cocktail mixers. These were delivered to the door along with a full bottle of alcohol from licensed local retailers. However, this is not a subscription service as such. Kits are individually ordered. Currently, Sourced Craft Cocktails options include Black Cherry Old Fashioned, Brown Derby, and Spicy Margarita. While each kit makes 12 drinks, the total package also includes cups, tools, a tote bag, and instructions.
  • Shaker & Spoon – Shaker & Spoon is a perfect service for the likes who have a good stash of liquor or those who like to pick up their bottles at the local store. Each of these boxes feature three recipes that are created by bartenders. These ingredients without booze make four servings of each but no bottles of alcohol. S&S emails you every month before delivering the box along with outlines and bottle recommendations as to which bar tools you would require.
  • SaloonBox – A monthly subscription box which comes with ingredients good enough to make two servings of each of two original cocktails. These can be mezcal-based Alpine 75 or Oaxacan Paloma with hibiscus-infused organic gin. The recipes are created by the SaloonBox team of hand-selected bartenders. Customers are notified ahead of each shipment as to what the box will include. You can also skip the shipment if the box does not include your preferences.
  • Crafted Taste – The price tag for this kit is a little steep. But each monthly kit contains sufficient ingredients to make 12 to 16 cocktails. After all, it is not a bad deal. Compare Crafted Taste with what you’d otherwise pay for a typical cocktail at any bar. The monthly box comprises of unique locally sourced ingredients. Along with this you’d also receive step-by-step instructions for three distinct cocktails. If you are not inclined to subscribing, you can purchase individual cocktail kits as well.
  • Cocktail Courier – This service makes it super easy to create cocktails. It does not matter if you are a beginner, it will still be easy for you to shake up a winner. Cocktail Courier subscription boxes can be ordered with or without the spirits. They are filled with high quality of ingredients that are sufficient for making six to twelve cocktails. The box also includes bottled tonics, home-made syrups and fresh produce herbs alongside easy-to-follow instructions from top bartenders. You could also opt for individual cocktail kits from a sizable list organized spirit-wise.
  • American Cocktail Club – You can sign up for the American Cocktail Club from one month to a full year. You can also choose between the ‘Everything Box’ or all the mixers but minus the spirits. Every ACC box contains mixers along with a carbonated element and a juice blend. Additionally, you’d get garnishes or bar tools and recipes. The ‘Everything Box’ includes four 50ml spirit bottles that are just right to make four drinks.

Are You Working from Home?

The current COVID-19 pandemic has brought adversity upon each one of us. People have started looking to alcohol to alleviate stress as it numbs emotions. This is more so when you are confined to your home with less work. It is quite tempting that you grab a glass of your favorite drink to get over the situation.

Many of us are prepared for the worst when it comes to alcohol and have stockpiled for self-isolation over other food and drink items. Some of us however, turn to that one drink during stressful times, and it just might turn out to be cocktail.