Side Effects of Drinking Brandy Every Night


While brandy has a variety of health benefits, it is only if consumed in moderation. Brandy has the ability to lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood and keep the heart healthy, as it contains antioxidants. Brandy results in lowering blood pressure and reducing blood pressure, because of the polyphenol compounds it contains.

Moreover, brandy does not contain any carbohydrates as other alcoholic drinks do. It can therefore be safely enjoyed since it does not convert to fat or cause any bloating. The anti-inflammatory properties in brandy have also been recommended to relieve respiratory issues such as coughs, colds, and sore throats,

What is Brandy?

The name Brandy comes from the Dutch word “brandewijn”. It means burnt wine. Heat is applied to alcohol that is naturally present in the wine to make it more concentrated and is further distilled to increase the alcoholic content.

Around 30-60% alcohol by volume makes up for brandy. It is then aged in oak barrels that give it a unique color. Brandy can be made from wine or any other fermented fruit juices that contain sugar.

Side Effects of Drinking Brandy Every Night

Side effects of drinking brandy every night equal those of a general alcohol-induced hangover. Side effects of brandy include changes in the central nervous system when consumed in large quantities. It can cause a rapid drop in blood sugar that is clinically known as hypoglycaemia. This adversely affects the smooth functioning of the heart and the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys, as well. 

Other Side Effects of Drinking Brandy Every Night

  • Brandy Upsets Your ‘Food Clock’: Just like any other type of alcoholic drink, brandy also affects your metabolism cycle or the ‘Food Clock’. You may have noticed the stomach rumbling with hunger just before lunchtime. Indulgent drinks like brandy every night are the cause and might lead to such long-term effects. Our food clock might be reset if we eat and drink indulgent food regularly. Lack of nutrient-rich meals at typical meal times impacts our ability to absorb nutrients, digest what we consume, and maintain an even metabolic keel.
  • Hangovers & Potential Organ Damage: Some drinks are worse than others. According to one report, the drink that produced the most hangover symptoms was brandy, followed in order by red wine, rum, whiskey, and vodka. Brandy also puts people at higher risk for developing high blood pressure and developing pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, from abuse. Excessive drinking brandy puts you at risk for some cancers as well. These include cancer of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, liver, and breast.
  • Risk of Heart Disease or Stroke: A small amount of alcohol is likely not harmful to the heart. However, the idea that drinking alcohol is good for overall health isn’t fully backed by science. Drinking small amounts of alcohol has been associated with lowered risk of heart disease. But, risks far outweigh benefits. Excessive consumption of large amounts of alcohol is found to result in a condition known as alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Drinking actually weakens the heart muscle when you heavily consume four to five drinks a day over several years. This scenario becomes even more enhanced with binge drinking.

Heavy drinking increases blood pressure and develops the risk of an irregular heart rhythm known as atrial fibrillation. Binge drinkers are twice as likely to die of heart failure compared to non-binge drinkers even when it is just a week. Binge drinking puts you at a much higher risk.

Emotional Side Effects of Drinking Brandy Every Night

It is true that excessive drinking of any type of alcohol can have a negative impact on the body and the brain. One of the most sensitive areas of the brain is the cerebellum, which is susceptible to the effects of alcohol because it has the ability to control functions like memory and emotions.

Brandy forces our bodies to create an increased amount of serotonin and endorphins. They are responsible for regulating our emotions and our sense of relaxation and happiness in general.

The more often we drink, the more vulnerable our brain becomes to the effects of alcohol. It potentially making our moods more volatile over time.

 Brandy is a tricky substance and may cause our body to release endorphins that make us feel relaxed and euphoric. But it’s also classified as a depressant. It can exacerbate the effects of certain conditions – including anxiety and depression. Excessive alcohol consumption in some cases can even lead to suicidal thoughts or tendencies. 

Individuals between the ages of 20 and 29 are most likely to indicate feeling overwhelmed while drinking. Peer influence, genetics, and even education status usually become factors in how a person’s body functions after alcohol consumption. Young adults in college and living on campus are generally more likely to engage in heavy drinking behaviors.

Avoid Dependency on Alcohol

Many experts say that feelings of anxiety stemming from excessive brandy consumption can last for several hours or up to an entire day. Some people use alcohol for coping with anxiety. This can create a form of alcohol dependency. And it only worsens the sense of worry.

Many experts say that feelings of anxiety stemming from excessive brandy consumption can last for several hours or up to an entire day. Some people use alcohol for coping with anxiety. This can create a form of alcohol dependency. And it only worsens the sense of worry.

Many people say they feel happy when they are drinking. They report a sense of happiness while under the influence of alcohol to indicate a sense of happiness associated with drinking. They say that drinking made them feel happy. Drinking can lead to a temporary feeling of happiness. But for those who feel joy when drinking may be at risk for alcohol dependence.

Alcohol, including brandy, is identified as a depressant drug that can create the effect of anxiety and depression as a result of drinking too much or drinking too fast. People who already have conditions of clinical anxiety or depression will only worsen the symptoms.

Withdrawal & Detoxification 

Alcohol withdrawal can be difficult and life-threatening as people often need professional help to break an addiction. Many individuals seek medical detoxification. This is the safest way to ensure to break the physical addiction. Withdrawal symptoms, detoxification can be managed on either an outpatient or as an inpatient.

That nightly glass of brandy is no doubt delicious. But unfortunately, it might have a negative impact on you. So you may not after all want to drink brandy every night for this reason.